" cssedit.vim by ipenburg@xs4all.nl " " This is a Vim file to turn Vim into a Cascading Style Sheet editor. " It can be used most convenient with an autocommand for " *.css files: " source $HOME/cssedit.vim " " Conventions: " * Comments are proceded by a double quote and a space " * Disabled lines are only proceded by a double quote " * Tags are used in uppercase " " Todo list: " * ALT-X mappings are hard to get. Why? " ======================================================================= " " Notifier: also comment-out trailing notifier at the and of this file " when you comment-out this notifier. echo "Loading Vim CSS editor by ipenburg@xs4all.nl..." " Mappings in Command mode " Validation " (Used here in a personal Win9x commandline style with shortcuts in path) " FN saves the current file and spawns validator which processes " the saved version of the current file. " F1 remains help for Vim itself nnoremap :w:!x % in validate " Mappings in Insert mode " Character entities references " Only useful when available on the keyboard: " (You're not going to type ALT+181 to get µ are you?) " (Made with cp850) " Funky characters are replaced by their HTML equivalents " &, <, > and " aren't in this list because they are typed more " frequent as their HTML tag meaning which shouldn't be altered. " There are also some mappings disabled to prevent ambigious- or unwanted " mapping. These are mapping of spacing accents, which are also used to map " accented characters, and slashed characters, which could cause unwanted " mapping in URIs. " The inoremap is used instead of abbreviations because for abbreviations " a space has to follow the abbreviation, which isn't very convenient " when it comes to typing funky characters. " To prevent waiting for another character on regularly used characters " the accents are the first things to type. This is also in correspondence " with regular accent construction on an extended keyboard, but illogical " when pronounced as their character entity reference name (Aring is typed " as ring-A). ino ¢ ino £ ino \| ¦ " ino ? § section sign does something else (21) in Vim on my system? " disabled to prevent ambiguity in mapping characters with a diaeresis: "ino ¨ ino « ino ¬ " disabled to prevent ambiguity in mapping characters with a ring above: "ino ° ino ± ino ² ino ³ " disabled to prevent ambiguity in mapping characters with an acute accent: "ino ' ´ ino µ " ino ? ¶ pilcrow sign does something else (20) in Vim on my system? ino · ino ¸ ino ¹ ino » ino ¼ ino ½ ino ¾ ino `A À ino 'A Á ino ^A Â ino ~A Ã ino Ä ino A Å ino Ç ino `E È ino 'E É ino ^E Ê ino E Ë ino `I Ì ino 'I Í ino ^I Î ino I Ï ino Ñ ino `O Ò ino 'O Ó ino ^O Ô ino O Õ " disabled to prevent unwanted mapping in URIs: "ino /O Ø ino `U Ù ino 'U Ú ino ^U Û ino U Ü ino 'Y Ý ino ß ino à ino á ino â ino ã ino ä ino a ä ino ç ino è ino é ino ê ino ë ino ì ino í ino î ino ï ino ñ ino ò ino ó ino ô ino ~o õ ino ö " disabled to prevent unwanted mapping in URIs: "ino /o ø ino ù ino ú ino û ino ü ino 'y ý ino ÿ " Abbeviation can be used to generate tags while in insert mode. " Font properties: ab ff font-family ab fs font-style ab fv font-variant ab fw font-weight ab fz font-size " Color and background properties: ab co color ab bg background-color ab bi background-image ab br background-repeat ab ba background-attachment ab bp background-position " Text properties: ab ws word-spacing ab ls letter-spacing ab tc text-decoration ab va vertical-align ab tt text-transform ab ta text-align ab ti text-indent ab lh line-height " Box properties: ab mt margin-top ab mr margin-right ab mb margin-bottom ab ml margin-left ab pt padding-top ab pr padding-right ab pb padding-bottom ab pl padding-left ab btw border-top-width ab brw border-right-width ab bbw border-bottom-width ab blw border-left-width ab bw border-width ab bc border-color ab bs border-style ab bdt border-top ab bdr border-right ab bdb border-bottom ab bdl border-left ab wi width ab hi height ab fl float ab cl clear " Classification properties: ab di display ab wh white-space ab lst list-style-type ab lsi list-style-image ab lsp list-style-position " ======================================================================= " Trailing notifier echon " Done."