Think different =============== Thursday 22 July 2010 16:00 In the old days batteries sucked and there were no CPU's targeted for mobile use, so battery life could be very short. But that was no problem because if you needed to do a lot on the road you could just charge a whole bunch of battery packs and swap a flat one for a fresh one and keep going. What Apple is doing is first preventing it's users from leveraging this scalable power solution by making it impossible to swap the battery, and then using that artificially limited power supply as an argument to keep apparently power hungry applications from their mobile devices. It's all so flawed when you look further than the shiny bits and think about it. There is of course a point about CPU use and limited power supply. But anything executable on a device has to use the CPU and can drain it in a way the user doesn't want at that point. JavaScript can drain a CPU just as much as Flash. The solution to this is to give the user the option to prevent executable stuff from executing. Whether it is JavaScript, Java, XSLT or Flash. If Flash is really a problem for battery life people will be smart enough to disable it for sites in which Flash adds less value than the power it consumes, while still being able to have Flash drain their battery when it's worth it, just like any other technology. Power consumption is no reason to ban Flash from a platform altogether. by Roland van Ipenburg