Why I don't like MySQL ====================== Saturday 4 April 2009 12:28 In university I learned about databases using Microsoft Access. Which means the theory of the course was about databases in general but we got to play around with the stuff using Access. Later also went to some related course about optimizing tape robot movements, but the point is that in the early nineties there was no MySQL. About ten years later I encounter MySQL in the web development world. Brushing up on my SQL skills I try the first example from my ten year old course material, and it fails. It turns out at that point MySQL didn't support subqueries, something Microsoft Access supported about ten years earlier! The current version of MySQL seems to support subqueries, but I still have the feeling MySQL is seriously lagging behind. A large part of the MySQL user base have never seen another database, or learned about database theory so they are not able to see what could be wrong with MySQL. All they seem to care about is how fast MySQL is doing selects, implying their community status is based on how many selects they need. With a user base like that you don't need to move forward, and most likely the number of newbies picking up MySQL is larger than the number of mature developers moving away from it, so with a growing user base what can be wrong with it? And anyone preferring MySQL seems like a newbie because they can't admit they liked the previous version of MySQL because that was lacking some serious features, like subqueries, stored procedures, triggers, unicode, etc. and in any discussion about the features of MySQL they are like, yeah, I know databases so the previous versions of MySQL that lacked what the latest version now really has all sucked, but that latest version says it supports everything I need, I don't know how to use it yet because I'm stuck with something set up in MySQL 3 and I don't see the point of moving all queries to stored procedures, but MySQL is good enough for me and my big database with thousands of rows. And that has been going on since MySQL 3... How about, just move on to the world's most advanced open source database? by Roland van Ipenburg http://www.xs4all.nl/~ipenburg/blog/posts/work/2009/04/04/why-i-dont-like-mysql/