Fahrradsternfahrt ================= Tuesday 16 June 2009 22:45 "Mit der Fahrradsternfahrt wird für eine sozialverträgliche sowie gesundheits- und umweltbewußte (insbesondere klimaschonende) Verkehrspolitik bzw. Wahl der Verkehrsmittel unter weitgehendem Verzicht auf den motorisierten Individualverkehr demonstriert und geworben." So it's basically the same naive kind of thinking that makes Grüne switch of AKWs even if that makes Klimawandel worse. You can't have your fundamentalist cake and eat it. And the Comic Sans isn't helping either. But it would be nice to cycle over the Köhlbrand Brücke on a Sunday morning, and coming from cycle paradise Holland I know there is a lot of room for improvement in the Hamburger Fahrrad situation, even if they are pushing it to far with all their Bio crap. The bicycle helmets they are probably wearing aren't hempen homespun, but justified the same way a SUV is justified by someone who can afford one. But before I participate in something political Homoland Security can send me to Guantanamo Bay for because I accidentally supported Hummer humping or something, or the whole thing is just another bad idea involving a star, lets check the legal stuff: Versammlungsfreiheit für "Fuckparade 2001", right there on the site of the Bundesverwaltungsgericht. Well, if the Fuckparade can get away with it, I guess so can I. But my interpretation of Sozialverträglich is cycling on the Elbchaussee and just enjoy the Aston Martins, Bentleys, Rolls Royces, Mustangs, Corvettes, Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Lotus, Maseratis, Longchamps and Scimitars as the works of art they are. They could do something about the insane amount of Porsches though. by Roland van Ipenburg http://www.xs4all.nl/~ipenburg/blog/posts/play/2009/06/16/fahrradsternfahrt/