Theaterkanal ============ Wednesday 10 June 2009 20:10 Since I don't trust any German telecom provider to not screw things up either (been there, done that), I went for the easy way and installed Zattoo. Bauerfeind is enough to trick me into that CLIP geo-limiting anti-internet spy-ware stuff (This is Germany, they probably like to find out if you watch to much Al-Jazeera). So now I'm watching Elizabeth Taylor and that guy from NCIS on my iBook, which I'll hook up to my Bravia after this post to see how that displays. And when I'm back in the old country it magically doesn't work there, and for the same reason there won't be a convenient Playstation 3 version of Zattoo. Internet, Europe, some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill, and the others just torrent... Update: Well, it works, I can watch Theaterkanal, CNN and The Poker Channel, but the Zattoo app is a piece of crap and crashes about every 15 minutes, which makes it all pretty useless. Like I didn't expect that. by Roland van Ipenburg