Age of Booty Demo ================= Monday 25 May 2009 23:08 Seems like a light-weight Real Time Strategy game, and I don't like light-weight Real Time Strategy games. Real Time Strategy games should come with a 1000+ page manual you have to study to find out what the possibilities are so you can come up with a surprising winning strategy every time you play. Age of Booty is to close to the tactical side because there aren't many strategic decisions to make. And using the SIXAXIS I made to many tactical errors by moving my ship to the wrong tile and lose valuable time correcting those mistakes. And since you can't do much else than sail around the map, why not just directly steer it? Now you can set a target, but you have no control over what tactics to use when something is encountered trying to get there. And for games like this I like a mouse to point and click and maximum information density on my screen, consoles are best for shooters and racing, not for RTS. by Roland van Ipenburg