Naked short selling =================== Saturday 29 May 2010 17:57 The blog usually has good stuff, but I'm not buying Robert P. Murphy's crap. The economic theory is all OK, I'm not arguing with that. But what we're dealing with here is the reality of a financial industry that somehow translates that theory to the right to make a living out of how the economy organizes itself. Traders aren't people who are willing to get another job when there isn't enough trading to do to make a living, they will just keep on trading to make more money even if the economy doesn't even need that trading to function properly. In theory the economy needs traders to determine the price of stuff, but do we really need to support a whole industry of traders to determine the price of stuff hundreds of times per second with the accuracy of fractions of a cent? No, only other traders need that so they can make more money using that data. The transparency of the system has gotten to the point where depending on the scale you're operating at you're looking at a brick wall or through intermolecular space. For those who can afford to monitor the markets on the level of intermolecular space it's all transparent, while for the rest of the world it's about as transparent as a brick wall. It's hard to justify what's happening when only a couple of organizations can see through the brick wall, and call that transparency. "Bill Gates could spread rumors about Microsoft and begin unloading his huge position." I hate Bill Gates as much as the next man, but compared to price manipulating traders he's a decent guy. And what strikes me is that this example shows Robert P. Murphy's total lack of ethics in this. Can't we assume Bill Gates values the little trust people have in him more than a couple of hundred million dollars? Are traders really sociopaths that lie and cheat whenever they think they can get away with it and make a quick buck? Just because decent people don't do bad things doesn't mean the government shouldn't be involved in regulating those bad things and let a couple of sociopaths ruin society. "Going the other way, why don’t manipulative speculators spread positive rumors about companies?" Well, because it's for example a bit easier to spread the rumor Steve Jobs has died than to spread the rumor he is alive again - even when it's Steve Jobs. And there is of course the psychological effect that fear caused by a negative rumor results in a much more emotional response than a positive rumor provokes. Robert P. Murphy's point just makes no sense, it only emphasizes he's just spreading capitalist propaganda the sheeple that buy his books like to hear. They probably also like to hear they are not stupid. But if they are all not stupid, who are they trading with? Either you're smarter than the trader you buy from, or you're more stupid than the seller. You can't be both not stupid and do the right thing. "Short-selling vastly broadens the number of people, and thus the perspectives and information, involved in the pricing process." And all those people expect to make a profit to make a living from being involved in the pricing process? If I as an individual won't ever need massive amounts of for example rubber, how do I contribute to society by spending my life gathering huge amounts of information and have a perspective about the rubber market when my only goal is to trade in it to make a profit so I don't have to get a proper job? At some point it just gets cheaper to employ all those "not stupid" people in a central planning bureau and go for communism as the pricing process. Warren Meyer doesn't like to see anyone who has a career as a trader has a personal incentive to keep that career going, whether the world needs it or not, trying to make money for no good reason in the big picture. Banning naked short selling isn't the right solution, but if the financial industry doesn't see how it's involved in an arms race that is going to cost more than the planet is worth they shouldn't be surprised someone starts to get in their way in a manner they don't like or understand. And then having naked short selling banned is probably a better option than being burned alive in your office by some revolutionary forces. Soulless boring dorks… by Roland van Ipenburg