is a bit lame... ======================== Friday 20 February 2009 22:53 If they are going to make a big deal out of it, wouldn't it be a bit less hypocritical if their site would validate? So if people actually stopped using Internet Explorer 6, what will be the next excuse to complain about how hard the life of a web developer is? Like nobody else in IT has to support odd systems that won't go away. If you don't like that then get out of the web development business if you can. But most of those HTML monkeys probably can't, lacking the design skills to make it into a proper design job and lacking the development skills to make it into a proper development job. They are the IE6 of the media industry. Most other developers have skills that they can use to automate part of their own tasks, so the boring parts of their jobs have since ages been replaced by make, automake, autoconf, svn, apt, etc. and some can even develop their own IDE to suit all their needs. But web developers only have the skills to blog about the problems they have, which leads to a huge pile of posts and websites about issues, and hardly anybody who actually provides a solution that doesn't involve reading some semi-official way-to-long tutorial only to be able to manually implement a workaround, which you then would have to repeat for every site you build. No wonder they get tired of supporting IE6 and the only solution they see it to make it go away. by Roland van Ipenburg